Victoria 3 is a longstanding meme among Paradox fans. Victoria 2 was one of the last games to launch before the arrival of Crusader Kings 2, which marked the start of a new era for the studio. That was followed up by Europa Universalis 4, then Hearts of Iron 4, but as the years went by there was no mention of another sequel for its deeply political grand strategy series. "Victoria 3 when?" players would ask, but the response was only ever a wry grin or a look of exhaustion. Under every tweet from Paradox, every hint about a new game, you'd find people asking about Vicky 3. And now it can stop, because it is indeed coming.
Now take this combat system and add in countries whose industrial base (and nationalistic resistance to war exhaustion) means they can mobilize 10+% of their population and stick in the war long enough to keep reinforcing those brigades with fresh bodies and throwing them back into the fire and the one by one the little changes begin to add up to a big change in how wars are fought.
war exhaustion victoria 2
It is, and frequently the United States (sans a few wars with Mexico and itself, plus a handful of colonial ventures in the Caribbean and sometimes beyond) will be very neutral through the entire game, generally ending up as the #2 or #1 Great Power. Neutrality has another positive effect for New World nations as well, beyond economics and pop-preservation: during war, as war-exhaustion increases in belligerent nations emigration explodes and neutral, wealthy new-world countries like the US can see immigration reaching as high as the tens-of-thousands of pops per month. However, sometimes the US (When human or, humorously, AI-controlled) somehow ends up in dozens of wars with Britain over Canada and ends up being a gutted carcass torn apart by continental wars/the bloodsoaked master of North America.
The US was more or less bankrupt by the end of the War of 1812 anyway, if the UK had kept the war going for another year or two the US would have been forced to seek peace due to economic exhaustion anyway. 2ff7e9595c